Studio Practice

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT between Jonas Lund (ARTIST) and Name Name (ASSISTANT) and Boetzelaer|Nispen (GALLERY)

  1. At the signing of this agreement, ARTIST and ASSISTANT agree that ARTIST will hire ASSISTANT for a six week period commencing on August 20, 2014 and ending on October 1, 2014. ASSISTANT will work four work days per week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday), commencing each day at 13:00 and finishing at 18:00 unless agreed otherwise.
  2. During the work period ASSISTANT will be employed to produce art works for ARTIST inspired by the guidelines set out in a 300 page book that ARTIST will provide. All work shall take place at GALLERY and ASSISTANT is strictly prohibited from claiming any authorship of the produced art works.
  3. ASSISTANT is prohibited from discussing, documenting, photographing, or sharing information or images in any forum, public or private, including but not limited to social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
  4. GALLERY will be under video surveillance during the work period. By entering into this agreement, ASSISTANT consents to being filmed, to having the video shared on a dedicated website ( and to appearing in any documentation of the project.
  5. ASSISTANT acknowledges that ARTIST has full discretion to decide which works get approved. In the event that a produced work is not approved, ARTIST in his sole discretion may elect to destroy or reuse the materials in a new work. Under no circumstances may ASSISTANT remove any materials or works from GALLERY, nor may he/she use the material for his/her own production.
  6. GALLERY is obligated to photograph each produced work as soon as it is completed. He/she will do so at the dedicated photo studio and will upload images so that ARTIST may review the work. GALLERY will notify ARTIST and ASSISTANT as soon as images are uploaded.
  7. In the event an approved art work is sold, ASSISTANT shall receive a 5% commission of the sales price. The remaining 95% is to be shared 50/50 between ARTIST and GALLERY. If an artwork has been produced by more than one ASSISTANT the 5% commission is to be split into equal parts between the ASSISTANTS.
  8. ARTIST shall pay for all production costs and is entitled to full reimbursement of the costs in the event of a sale. The reimbursement shall be deducted from the total sale price. The balance shall be divided as specified in clause 7.
  9. ASSISTANT may not tamper with nor remove the video surveillance cameras.
  10. ASSISTANT shall receive €10 per hour in wage.
  11. ARTIST may terminate this agreement at any time and relieve ASSISTANT of his/her duties. In the event of this, ASSISTANT will only be compensate for the completed hours up until the termination and all offers of bonuses will be void.
  12. ASSISTANT shall invoice ARTIST at the end of work period for the actual number of hours that he/she worked. ASSISTANT will not claim health benefits nor be covered by any insurance from either GALLERY or ARTIST during the work.
  13. GALLERY is to supply worker with basic sanitation, access to water and unlimited coffee.